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Index Of Employment Related Statutes For Northern Ireland
An Index of Employment Related Statutes for Northern Ireland categorised by year.
Index of employment-related statute (Acts and Orders) 1977-1994
Index of employment-related statute (Acts and Orders) 1995-1999
Index of employment-related statute (Acts and Orders) 2016-Present
Index of employment-related statute (Acts and Orders) 1871-1976
Welcome to the Labour Relations Agency’s employment legislation link pages. We have attempted to collate all relevant employment legislation (Primary and Secondary) on these pages for our users’ ease of reference. Essentially users will get a brief summary of the content of the legislation and then a link to the website delivered by the National Archives via
6 Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order (Northern Ireland) 2000
This Order increases, as from 5/3/00, the limits applying to certain awards of industrial tribunals, and other amounts payable under employment legislation, as specified in the Schedule to the Order. (Increases reflect increases in Retail Price Index from Sept’97-Sept’99).
Increase of limits on Tribunal awards and payments under employment rights legislation
The Department for the Economy has made a statutory rule entitled The Employment Rights (Increase of Limits) Order (Northern Ireland) 2023 (
The Order increases, from 6 April 2023, limits applicable to certain awards and payments under employment rights legislation in line with the Retail Prices Index.
The Department has issued a press release relating to the above changes in limits -
For details on the limits for previous years, please access the following link…