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Flexible working - the essence of a ‘good job’?
“Redefining the concept of a ‘good’ job, which embraces flexibility in all its forms, is a necessity if we’re to achieve a more inclusive and productive economy.”
Steps to resolve
When there is an issue in the workplace, employers and employees have a number of options and steps they can take to resolve it, ranging from informal conversations to formal processes and procedures.
Flexible Working: The Right to Request and Duty to Consider
Under provisions set out in the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 and regulations made under it, all employees have a statutory right to ask their employer for a change to their contractual terms and conditions of employment to work flexibly.
LRA response to DEL review of the NI employment dispute resolution system
4th September 2009
This paper gives the Agency's response to the Department of Employment and Learning's consultation questions.
Pay in Lieu of Notice (PILON)
A payment in lieu of notice is made in circumstances where an employee is not required to work their notice period but is paid a sum of money instead.
Tests and checks
Employers can do various checks to make sure future employees can do the job they are being hired to do, that they are entitled to work in Northern Ireland, and that they are not barred from working with vulnerable groups.