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No 96 The Statutory Adoption Pay (Curtailment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015
These Regulations come into operation from 15/3/15 and enable an adopter to give notice to end statutory adoption pay early on a specific future date.
No. 276 The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act (2007) (Commencement No 2) Order 2010
This Statutory Instrument brings into effect Section 10 of the 2007 Act which makes provision for the power to order convictions etc to be publicised.
The Social Security (Medical Evidence) and Statutory Sick Pay (Medical Evidence) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2022
Changes to the legislation around fit notes from doctors. Removes the need for a fit note to be presented in ink. change live from 6/4/22.
Events Programme Jan - June 2020
This document lists the range of seminars, briefings and workshops that we plan to deliver over the coming months to cover a range of employment relations-related topics. Please note that additional dates may be added to the events schedule which aren't included in this document.
Customer Service
This page sets out how the Labour Relations Agency strives to deliver excellent customer service. It also provides the resources we use to support our work.