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Disciplinary or grievance hearings
Workers have the right to take paid time off during working hours to accompany fellow workers employed by the same employer to certain disciplinary and grievance hearings.
Sharp rise in redundancy enquiries to the Labour Relations Agency
Our Workplace Information Service have observed a notable surge in enquiries from both employees and employers regarding redundancy.
Student Placement template
This is the application form to be considered for the Communications Student Placement opportunity in 2021/22.
Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace Useful Contacts and Information Sources
This document provides the contact details for several organisations that can provide guidance and support around mental health issues.
Advice on Recruitment, Selection and Induction
This booklet is designed to provide employers with guidance in carrying out recruitment, selection and induction activities.
Cookies policy
When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable.
To achieve our vision and purpose, our values are to be progressive, ethical, exemplary and responsive. These values underpin all that we do.
Approaching a sensitive conversation regarding mental ill health
This document offers guidance as to how best to prepare for and manage conversations around managing mental ill health in the workplace.