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Webinar - Social Media in the Workplace
This webinar looks at the impact of social media in today’s workplace and the issues employers and employees need to consider regarding it.
Paternity Leave
Paternity leave allows parents to take time off from their work to have time with their child following a birth.
Final pay when employment ends
Final pay given to an employee can be different from their regular pay.
Labour Relations Agency Disability Action Plan 2020-2023
This action plan follows on from our 2015-2018 action plan and outlines how the Agency intends to implement a number of meaningful actions which we believe will impact positively on both disabled staff and users of our services.
The purpose of our Disability Action Plan is to look at things we could be doing to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and to encourage their participation in our work areas.
Minimum Wage
The National Minimum Wage Act 1998 created a minimum wage across the UK.
The hourly rate for the minimum wage depends on your age and whether you’re an apprentice and it changes every 1 April.
Bereavement Leave
Employees are sometimes entitled to paid bereavement leave if someone close to them dies. All employees are entitled to reasonable time off without pay to arrange or attend the funeral of a dependant.
Contractor versus Employee versus Worker
Employees, workers and contractors have different rights and responsibilities.
Breach of Contract
If an employer fundamentally breaches a contract of employment, it could lead to the employee resigning. If an employee fundamentally breaches a contract of employment he or she could be dismissed.