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Calculating holiday entitlement
A worker is entitled to 5.6 weeks paid annual leave per year. This entitlement starts on the day the employee begins employment.
Employers are legally obliged to provide employees with an itemised pay statement. These are usually called payslips or wage slips.
Advice on Recruitment, Selection and Induction
This booklet is designed to provide employers with guidance in carrying out recruitment, selection and induction activities.
Discrimination when hiring
Fair treatment is not just a moral and legal obligation but makes good business sense. Employers who treat employees fairly will be best placed to recruit and retain staff in an increasingly diverse and competitive labour market.
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)
Women expecting a baby who satisfy the qualifying conditions are entitled to a maximum of 39 weeks SMP.
Employee engagement
Employee engagement plays a crucial role in the success of any organisation. It goes beyond the surface level of job satisfaction and encompasses the emotional and psychological connection that an employee has with their work and their workplace. Engaged employees are not just committed to their job, but they are also invested in the values of their organisation. They are more likely to put in discretionary effort, go the extra mile, and take ownership of their work, leading to improved performance and productivity.
Increase in statutory rates and limits on tribunal awards 2024
April sees the increase to the National living and minimum wage rates, minimum rates for agricultural workers, statutory redundancy pay, statutory payments including SSP and limits on tribunal awards.
Statutory Sick Pay
Employers are responsible for the payment of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for periods of illness of four days or more up to a total of 28 weeks' absence in any one period of incapacity for work.
LRA Pride Discussion Encourages Workplace Respect
This week the Labour Relations Agency (LRA) marked Belfast’s Pride Festival week by hosting a panel discussion to help businesses and organisations manage workplace conversations on diversity issues, which some may regard as ‘difficult’ or ‘sensitive’.
Misconduct and gross misconduct
Disciplinary issues arise when the employer has concerns about an employee’s conduct, absence from work or the way they are performing in their job. They may start a disciplinary procedure which could lead to disciplinary action (including dismissal in more serious cases).