
We provide a range of resources to help you navigate employment relations in Northern Ireland. 


Please note that on 6 December 2022 we will have moved our Head Office to new premises at James House, 2-4 Cromac Avenue, the Gasworks, Belfast.  However, some of our guides and resources may still have our old, Gordon Street address on them.  We are systematically working our way through to update them with the new address.  Phone numbers (03300 555 300 and 03300 552 220) and email addresses remain the same.

  • Labour Relations Agency Disability Action Plan 2020-2023

    This action plan follows on from our 2015-2018 action plan and outlines how the Agency intends to implement a number of meaningful actions which we believe will impact positively on both disabled staff and users of our services. 

    The purpose of our Disability Action Plan is to look at things we could be doing to promote positive attitudes towards disabled people and to encourage their participation in our work areas.


    Last modified: 25 September 2020
  • Wellness Action Plan

    This template is designed to be completed by the employee and discussed with their line manager to ensure the employee is supported appropriately and sensitively during periods of mental ill health. Once completed it should remain a confidential document and the information should not be disclosed to other parties without the express consent of the person concerned.

    Last modified: 03 June 2020
  • Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace Useful Contacts and Information Sources

    This document provides the contact details for several organisations that can provide guidance and support around mental health issues.

    Last modified: 03 June 2020
  • Five Ways to Wellbeing Poster

    This poster is available to download and display around the workplace, to remind people of positive things they can do to help manage their mental wellbeing.

    Last modified: 03 June 2020
  • Exercise - Current Position in My Workplace

    This questionnaire helps establish the current policies and provision to support mental health in the workplace and identify where additional steps or resources might be needed.

    Last modified: 03 June 2020
  • Common Workplace Adjustments for Staff Experiencing Mental Ill Health

    This document sets out suggestions as to how to support mental health in the workplace by making adjustments and providing assistance to support staff to fulfil their role.

    Last modified: 03 June 2020
  • Approaching a sensitive conversation regarding mental ill health

    This document offers guidance as to how best to prepare for and manage conversations around managing mental ill health in the workplace.

    Last modified: 03 June 2020
  • Labour Relations Agency Corporate Plan 2017-2021

    Corporate Plan

    This Corporate Plan covers the four-year period from April 2017 to March 2021. It sets out how the Agency intends to contribute to the effectiveness of the Northern Ireland labour market through the delivery of high quality employment relations services.

    Last modified: 21 May 2020
  • Employer-Led Conciliation Service Non-Employment Tribunal (Non-ET) Interim Delivery Arrangements

    In line with existing public health advice and the Agency’s consequent decision to halt all face-to-face contact between staff and service users it has been necessary to rethink the practical arrangements governing delivery of a number of the Agency’s services including the Employer-Led (Non-ET) Conciliation Service.

    Last modified: 26 March 2020
  • Events Programme Jan - June 2020

    This document lists the range of seminars, briefings and workshops that we plan to deliver over the coming months to cover a range of employment relations-related topics.  Please note that additional dates may be added to the events schedule which aren't included in this document. 

    Last modified: 04 February 2020
  • Early Conciliation Notification Form

    The Early Conciliation notification form can be either be downloaded from our website below, or can be collected from either our Belfast office or Regional Office. You can complete the form and post it to either our office in Belfast or our Regional office. The addresses are noted below.




    Last modified: 13 February 2024
  • Early Conciliation Explained - January 2020

    Advisory guide

    Please see link below for further details

    Last modified: 26 October 2023