
We provide a range of resources to help you navigate employment relations in Northern Ireland. 


Please note that on 6 December 2022 we will have moved our Head Office to new premises at James House, 2-4 Cromac Avenue, the Gasworks, Belfast.  However, some of our guides and resources may still have our old, Gordon Street address on them.  We are systematically working our way through to update them with the new address.  Phone numbers (03300 555 300 and 03300 552 220) and email addresses remain the same.

  • Shared Parental Leave and Pay: Employers' Technical Guide to Shared Parental Leave and Pay

    This guide was published by the Department for the Economy.

    Eligible employees of babies due to be born or placed for adoption from April 2015 will have a new statutory entitlement to shared parental leave and pay. This technical guidance is for employers who think their employee(s) may be eligible.

    Last modified: 17 July 2019
  • Information note 6 TUPE February 2016

    Last modified: 03 June 2019
  • Board/SLT Register of Interests


    Register of Board Member and Senior Leadership Team Interests

    Last modified: 11 June 2024
  • Recruiting people with conflict-related convictions - Employers' Guide

    Advisory guide Guide

    This guidance is for all employers in the public, private and voluntary sectors. It has been developed by a working group co-chaired by Sir George Quigley and Nigel Hamilton and comprising representatives of Government departments, the Irish Congress of Trades Unions, the Confederation of British Industry and a representative group of ex-prisoners. 

    Last modified: 25 October 2023
  • The Transposition into Ireland and NI of the European Directives on Fixed Term Work and Working Time

    Report Research Report

    This report has been prepared by Marguerite Bolger and Barry Fitzpatrick for the Labour Relations Commission and the Labour Relations Agency. It contains an examination of the transposition in Ireland and Northern Ireland of the Fixed Term Work Directive and the Working Time Directive, together with analysis of relevant case law.

    Last modified: 21 May 2019
  • Contracts of Employment Question and Answer

    Last modified: 21 May 2019
  • Annual Report and Accounts 2004-05

    Last modified: 22 March 2019
  • Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16

    Last modified: 22 March 2019
  • Cookies policy


    When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable.

    Last modified: 21 March 2019
  • National Fraud Initiative Notice


    The Labour Relations Agency is required to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, in order to prevent and detect fraud.

    Last modified: 21 March 2019
  • Mediation Explained


    Mediation works by using a neutral Labour Relations Agency mediator to assist parties involved in a workplace conflict or dispute to reach a satisfactory solution to workplace disputes that both sides are able to agree to.

    Last modified: 20 March 2019
  • Conciliation Explained


    If someone has lodged a claim to the tribunal about their employment rights a copy is sent to the Labour Relations Agency.

    We have a legal duty to offer Conciliation in most cases when someone has a complaint about their employment rights even if no claim has been made to the Tribunal service.

    Last modified: 20 March 2019